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UK Estate Agency Fees for Selling

House for sale picture - Uk - Agents Uk

Estate Agent Fees in the UK: What You Need to Know When Selling Your Property



Selling in the UK can be a nightmare; there are so many costs to consider. One of the biggest is the estate agency fee. Whether you’re a first-time buyer, a landlord or a seasoned seller, you must know these fees to make an informed decision. In this post, we’ll look at the different types of estate agency fees, what affects the cost and how to haggle.




Commission Based

Commission-based fees are the most common type of estate agency fee in the UK. These are a percentage of the sale price and are paid on completion. Typical commission rates are 0.75% to 3.5%, depending on the property’s value, location and the services the agent provides.


Fixed Fees

Fixed fees are a set amount for estate agency services regardless of the property’s sale price. This gives sellers clarity and certainty as they know exactly what they will pay upfront. Fixed fees can be a few hundred to several thousand pounds, depending on the agent and the level of service.


Results Based

Some agents offer results-based fees dependent on achieving specific outcomes, such as selling the property within a certain timeframe or above a certain price. This fee structure can incentivise agents to get the best results for their clients.


What Affects Estate Agency Fees:


Property Value

The value of your property affects estate agency fees. Higher-value properties often have higher commission rates, but some agents may offer tiered commission rates, which reduce the percentage for properties above a certain value.



Location can also affect fees. Agents may charge more in high-demand areas like London to reflect the market and potential sale price. In areas with low demand, commission rates may be lower.



Market conditions, supply and demand can affect fees. In a busy market with high demand, agents can charge more as there is more competition. In a slow market, agents may be more flexible to get the seller.


Agent Reputation and Experience

Reputable and experienced agents charge more because of their track record. Sellers will pay more for the peace of mind of working with an agent who can handle complex transactions.


Extra Costs and Considerations:



Marketing Costs


Apart from the agency fee, sellers may incur additional costs for marketing and advertising. These include professional photography, virtual tours, floor plans and online listings. Ask your agent what marketing services are included in the fee and if there are any extra costs.


Sole Agency vs Multi-Agency


Sellers can work with one agent (sole agency) or multiple agents (multi-agency). Sole agency agreements have lower fees as the seller agrees to list the property exclusively with one agent. Multi-agency agreements have higher fees as the seller pays commission to multiple agents regardless of who sells the property.


Negotiating Fees


Sellers can negotiate fees with their chosen agent. Consider the level of service, the expected sale price and the agent’s track record during negotiations. Discuss fees and terms upfront to get clarity and avoid any surprises later.




Estate agency fees are a fact of life for anyone involved in property sales in the UK. Now that you know the different types of fees, what affects the costs, and the extra considerations, you can make informed decisions and negotiate. Whether you’re a first-time buyer, landlord or selling your home, this knowledge will help you manage costs and get the best outcome.


At Argant Estates, we offer some of the most competitive rates in all of London. If you want a quick and hassle-free sale, call us today!


landlords/ sellers at viewings Selling

Should You Be There? Navigating viewings as a Seller

landlords/ sellers at viewings

Should Sellers Be Present During Property Viewings? Pros and Cons Explained



Selling your home is a big deal and involves many questions and decisions. One of the biggest is whether the seller should be there during open inspections. It seems logical to be there to show off your home’s best features, but there are pros and cons to consider. This blog will go through the advantages and disadvantages so you can make an informed decision.


Advantages :


Personal Connection:


One of the most significant benefits of being there is establishing a personal connection with potential buyers. Sharing your stories and experiences about the property can give it a unique charm and make the house feel like a home to the buyers. This personal touch can often be the deciding factor for a buyer.




As the owner of the property, you are the expert. You can provide detailed and instant answers to buyers’ questions. From the history of renovations to information about the neighbourhood and local amenities, you can fill in the gaps the agent may need to learn.



You can personally highlight the property’s best features and improvements. Whether it’s the energy-efficient upgrades, the view from the living room or the recent kitchen renovation, showing these off personally can significantly impact buyers.





One of the most significant disadvantages of being there is creating pressure on the buyers. They may feel uncomfortable or rushed if they are being watched or monitored. This can stop them from properly inspecting the property and discussing it with their partner or agent.



Estate agents are trained to handle open inspections professionally and can show the property in its best light without the emotional attachment a homeowner may have. They can also gauge the buyer’s interest and answer questions objectively, which can be more effective in a sales environment.


Less Transparency:

Buyers may not ask critical or potentially negative questions in front of the vendor for fear of offending. This can leave doubts unresolved and impact their decision-making. They may feel more comfortable asking questions of the estate agent instead.

Finding a Balance


Initial Meet and Greet:

To find a balance, you could be present for the initial meet and greet and then leave the buyers to inspect the property independently. This way, you can provide personal insights and highlight the best features without hovering over the buyers. It creates a warm and welcoming atmosphere while giving the buyers time to form opinions.


Available for Questions:

Even if you’re not there for the open inspection, consider being available by phone for any immediate questions the agent can’t answer. This way, buyers can get the information they need without feeling pressured or rushed.


Go with the Expert:

In the end, it may be best to use the expertise of your estate agent. They can conduct the open inspection professionally and objectively and show the property in its best light. Trust their judgment, and it will often lead to a better sale.


Conclusion :



Whether or not a vendor should be at an open inspection depends on many factors, including the buyer’s comfort level and the seller’s ability to be professional. Being there can provide personal insights and details and create pressure and discomfort for the buyers.


Both ways may be the answer. Step back after the initial meet and greet to give the buyers the space to feel comfortable and inspect the property thoroughly. 

This balanced approach will create a positive viewing experience and increase the chances of a sale.



Talk to your estate agent if you’re still unsure what to do. They will have experience and knowledge to guide you on what’s best for your situation. Remember, the goal is to create an environment where the buyer can see themselves living in the property, and then the sale will be smooth and easy.


Higher rent and arrow going up Landlord Tips

Should You Chase Higher Rent or Keep Good Tenants? The Dilemma for UK Landlords

Should You Chase Higher Rent or Keep Good Tenants? The Dilemma for UK Landlords

Higher rent and arrow going up

The UK rental market has been all over the shop recently, and many landlords are torn between keeping long-term tenants or replacing them with new tenants who can pay higher rents. This blog will go through the pros and cons of both so landlords can make an informed decision that suits their financial goals and property management style.

Market Update

The UK rental market has been going mad for various reasons, including economic shifts, changes in legislation, and the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. With high demand and low supply, rents are going up in many areas, and landlords are thinking of capitalising on these higher rents. However, long-term tenants offer stability and reliability, too. Let’s get into the pros and cons.

Pros Of Keeping Long Term Tenants :

Stability and Certainty

Long-term tenants give you a steady and predictable rental income. This stability is especially important in uncertain times. Cash flow helps you manage your finances and plan for future investments.

Established tenants who have proven to be reliable and respectful of the property are gold dust. Building a good relationship can mean better care of the property and fewer disputes. Long-term tenants are likelier to adhere to the tenancy terms and pay rent on time.

Lower Turnover Costs

Tenant turnover involves costs such as marketing the property, viewings and applications. These costs are minimised with long-term tenants. Avoiding frequent tenant changes also means less wear and tear on the property and, therefore, less maintenance and refurbishment costs.

Trust and Reliability

Established tenants who have proven to be reliable and respectful of the property are gold dust. Building a good relationship can mean better care of the property and fewer disputes. Long-term tenants are likelier to adhere to the tenancy terms and pay rent on time.

Community and Reputation

Long-term tenants are part of the community within the property or neighbourhood and enhance its reputation. Positive word of mouth from happy tenants can attract other good tenants in the future.

Cons Of Keeping Long Term Tenants:

Below Market Rent

Long-term tenants may be paying below-market rent. This means potential lost revenue, especially in hot rental markets. Rent increases for existing tenants are often restricted by law or need to be negotiated, which can be tricky.

Opportunities Lost

Keeping rents low for long-term tenants means missing out on the opportunity to get the most out of the property. In hot areas, landlords could get much more by renting to new tenants at current market rates.


Long-term leases can limit a landlord’s flexibility to change the property or adapt to the market. Some landlords prefer the flexibility to change terms and conditions more frequently, which can be easier with shorter leases.

Pro Of Replacing Tenants for Higher Rent:

More Rental Income

The main advantage of replacing tenants is charging current market rent. More rental income can increase a landlord’s return on investment and cash flow.

Market Alignment

Regularly reviewing rental rates means the property’s income potential aligns with the market, maximising profitability. Higher rents can cover increased costs like property taxes, insurance and maintenance.

Lease Terms and Conditions

New tenancies mean you can update the lease terms and conditions to reflect current legislation and best practice. You can include clauses to protect your interests and address specific issues.

Cons Of Replacing Tenants for Higher Rent:

Higher Turnover Costs

Tenant turnover involves costs such as marketing, tenant screening and potential loss of rental income during vacancy periods. Refurbishing the property between tenancies can also be expensive and time-consuming.


New tenants come with uncertainties, such as their reliability and behaviour. Screening can help but doesn’t eliminate all risk. Higher turnover means more disputes and potentially more legal and administrative work.

Longer Vacancies

Higher rents may price some tenants out of the market, resulting in longer vacancies. Longer vacancies mean lost income and can impact the property’s overall profitability.

The Decision

When deciding whether to keep long-term tenants or replace them with new ones at a higher rent, landlords should consider several factors, including current market conditions, financial goals, property management preferences and tenant relationships.

Financial Goals

Landlords must evaluate their financial goals and whether higher rents fit their long-term investment strategy. For some, stability and predictable income may be more important than higher returns. For others, maximising rental income is the priority.

Market Conditions

Understanding the local market is key to making a decision. Landlords should research rental trends, vacancy rates and tenant demand in their area. In areas with high demand and low vacancy rates, replacing with higher rent may be more possible.

Tenant Relationships

Good tenant relationships are worth it. Landlords should consider the trust and reliability of their current tenants and weigh up the benefits of keeping them against the risks of new tenancies. Long-term tenants mean peace of mind and less management stress.

Rent and Tenant Retention Strategies :

Rent Increases

Gradual rent increases can help balance the benefits of higher rent with the stability of long term tenants. Transparency around the reason for the rent increase can build goodwill and understanding.


Offering incentives such as property upgrades, flexible lease terms, or loyalty discounts can encourage long-term tenants to stay while justifying small rent increases. Happy tenants are more likely to accept rent increases.

Lease Options

Offering flexible lease options such as shorter terms with higher rent or longer terms with stable rent can cater to different tenant preferences and market conditions. Flexibility can attract new tenants and retain existing ones.


Balancing higher rent with good tenants is a delicate decision that requires many considerations. Both have their pros and cons, and the right strategy depends on individual circumstances and market conditions.

For UK landlords in the current market staying informed is key, prioritise tenant relationships and align your rental strategy with your long term financial goals. You can have stability, profitability and tenant satisfaction by getting the balance right.

Ready to make the most of your rental property? Explore our detailed guides and resources to enhance your property management skills and investment strategies.


Estate Agency Fees for Rental Properties in the UK


Understanding Estate Agency Fees for Rental Properties in the UK



Understanding estate agency fees is vital when renting out your property, whether landlord or tenant. Estate agents offer excellent service, but their fees vary depending on the required service and level of support. In this article, we will look at the typical fees charged by estate agents for rental properties in the UK, the various services, and the factors that affect the cost.


Estate Agency Services


Full Management


For complete management services, the estate agent will manage the entire rental property on behalf of the landlord. This includes finding tenants, collecting rent, managing maintenance and repairs and dealing with tenant issues or disputes.


Tenant Find Only


Tenants find only services the estate agent will find suitable tenants for the landlord’s property. Once the tenant is found and the tenancy agreement is signed, the estate agent’s involvement usually ends, and the landlord takes over the management of the property.


Rent Collection


Rent collection services: the estate agent will collect the rent from the tenant on behalf of the landlord. The landlord will still be responsible for the property and any maintenance or tenant issues.


Extra Services

In addition to the services listed above, estate agents may offer extra services such as property inspections, inventory management and legal advice. These services may incur extra fees or be part of a complete management package.






Estate agency fees can vary depending on the location of the property. Agents may charge more in areas with high demand and high rental yields to reflect the market conditions.


Property Type and Size


The type and size of the property can also impact estate agency fees. More significant properties or bedrooms will require more marketing and, therefore, higher fees.


Level of Service


The level of service required from the estate agent will also affect the fees. Complete management services will usually cost more than tenant-find-only or rent collection services.


Market Conditions


Market conditions such as supply, demand, and rental trends can affect estate agency fees. Agents may adjust their fees to attract landlords or tenants in a busy rental market.


Reputation and Experience


Established and experienced estate agents may charge more because of their reputation and service. Landlords and tenants may be prepared to pay more for the security of working with a well-known agent.




Tenant Find


For tenant-find-only services, estate agents will usually charge a one-off fee based on a percentage of the annual rental income. This fee can be between 8% and 12% of the first year’s rent but will vary depending on the agent and location.


Full Management


Complete management services will cost more than tenant-find-only services. Estate agents may charge a percentage of the monthly rent, usually between 10% and 15%. Some agents may charge extra for specific services like property inspections or maintenance coordination.


Rent Collection


Rent collection services usually cost less than complete management as the estate agent’s involvement is limited to collecting the rent. Fees for rent collection services can be between 5% and 8% of the monthly rent.


Extra Services


Extra services offered by estate agents, such as property inspections, inventory management and legal advice, may incur extra fees. These fees will vary depending on the service.


Negotiating Fees


When dealing with estate agents, landlords and tenants can negotiate fees based on their circumstances and requirements. Factors such as the number of properties the agent manages, the length of the tenancy agreement and the level of service required can all be considered during negotiations.




Estate agency fees for rental properties in the UK will vary depending on the service required, location and size of the property and market conditions. Knowing the services offered by estate agents and the factors that affect fees will help landlords and tenants make the right choice. By reviewing the services and negotiating fees, landlords and tenants will get value for money and service from their chosen agent.



At Argant Estates, our expert agents across London offer tailored services to get your property tenanted in less than a week. Don’t miss our exclusive 7% full management deal—call us today for a free valuation!



Rent Guarantee Services: Is it worth it? A comprehensive guide by Argant Estates. Landlord Tips

Is Rent Guarantee Insurance Worth It?

Is Rent Guarantee Insurance Worth It?

Rent Guarantee Services: Is it worth it? A comprehensive guide by Argant Estates.


Are you a UK landlord? If so, you’ll know the nightmare of tenant defaults. Losing rental income is a big worry even in prime areas like London and Greenford. That’s where rent guarantee insurance comes in as a lifesaver. Rent guarantee insurance has become very popular among landlords to protect their rental income and mitigate the risks of tenant default. But like any insurance product, rent guarantee insurance has its pros and cons. In this guide we’ll look at the advantages and disadvantages of rent guarantee insurance so you can make an informed decision if it’s right for your investment properties.


Benefits of Rent Guarantee Insurance


Financial Protection



Guaranteed Income


Rent guarantee insurance gives landlords a safety net by guaranteeing a steady income if the tenants don’t pay or vacate the property unexpectedly. This is especially useful for landlords with big monthly outgoings like mortgage payments.


Protection from Default


In the event of tenant default the insurance policy will cover the unpaid rent, reducing the financial impact on the landlord and keeping cash flow going. So you won’t have to dip into your savings to cover unexpected losses.


Risk Reduction



Tenant Vetting and Screening


Many rent guarantee insurance policies include tenant vetting and screening to help landlords find reliable tenants with good credit and rental references. This reduces the risk of default and stress of tenant management.


Legal Expenses Cover


Some policies cover legal expenses for evictions or disputes with tenants, so landlords don’t have to pay high legal fees. This is especially useful in high risk areas where evictions are more common.


Feeling Good



Less Stress and Uncertainty


Knowing the rental income is protected gives landlords peace of mind and reduces stress and uncertainty especially during economic downturns or tenant turnover. This means a better rental experience for both parties.


Continuous Income


Rent guarantee insurance provides a steady income stream even during vacancies or when the property is not generating rental income so landlords can meet their financial commitments. This stability means landlords can plan better.


Ease and Convenience



Flexible Payments


Many insurers offer flexible payment options so landlords can choose monthly, quarterly or annual premiums to suit their needs and cash flow. This makes it easier to budget.


Convenience of Management


With the financial side of property management covered by insurance landlords can have more convenience and focus on other aspects of property ownership like maintenance and tenant relations. This means a better all round rental experience.


Disadvantages of Rent Guarantee Insurance




Premiums and Excess


Rent guarantee insurance can be expensive especially for landlords with multiple properties or high value rentals. Some policies may also have excesses to pay before cover applies. You need to weigh up the cost against the benefits.




Exclusions and Conditions


Rent guarantee insurance policies have exclusions and restrictions on the types of properties, maximum rental amount insured or circumstances under which the cover applies. Landlords need to read the terms and conditions to understand the exclusions and conditions.




Insurer’s Reliability


Landlords rely on the insurer to honour claims and provide help when needed. If the insurer has financial problems or goes bust landlords may struggle to get cover.




Complexity and Delays


In the event of tenant default landlords may experience complexity and delays with the claims process with the insurer. Clear communication and documentation is key to speed up the claims process and reduce disputes.





Rent guarantee insurance gives landlords financial protection and peace of mind by providing a steady income and reducing the risk of tenant default. But it comes with costs, exclusions and dependencies that landlords need to consider before buying. By weighing up the pros and cons and doing their research landlords can decide if rent guarantee insurance is right for their investment properties and financial goals. Ultimately it’s all about individual circumstances, risk tolerance and long term investment goals.

Get in touch with experts or other landlords to learn more about rent guarantee insurance. Decide now and avoid future headaches and a better rental 





Self-Managed vs. Professional Property Management: A Comprehensive Guide for UK Landlords Landlord Tips

Self-Managed vs. Professional Property Management: A Comprehensive Guide for UK Landlords

Self-Managed vs. Professional Property Management: A Comprehensive Guide for UK Landlords

Self-Managed vs. Professional Property Management: A Comprehensive Guide for UK Landlords


Rental property management is a big job, especially in the crazy UK rental market. One of the biggest decisions you must make is self-management or using a property management service. Both have pros and cons that will impact your rental income, tenant satisfaction and overall peace of mind. This guide will help you weigh up the options.


DIY Management :



Cost Savings

When you manage your property yourself, you don’t have to pay property management fees, which can be 8% to 12% of your monthly rent. That’s a lot of dosh over time, especially if you have multiple properties. By cutting out the middleman, you get to keep more of your rental income, which is perfect for new landlords looking to maximise profits.



Managing your property gives you total control over everything to do with the rental process, from tenant selection to maintenance. This level of control means you can make decisions based on your own preferences and priorities. Managing your property can be very rewarding if you want to offer a personal service and be hands-on.


Direct Communication

Dealing with tenants directly means more direct communication. You can sort things out quickly, build relationships with your tenants and create trust and accountability. That leads to higher tenant satisfaction and longer tenancies.



Managing your property gives you the flexibility to be able to adapt to changing circumstances. Whether changing rental terms, scheduling maintenance or dealing with emergencies, you can make decisions on the fly without consulting a third party. That’s a big advantage in the crazy UK rental market.



Managing rental properties is a time-consuming job. Tasks like tenant screening, rent collection and property maintenance require constant attention and can eat into your free time. The workload can be overwhelming if you have multiple properties or difficult tenants.


Many people rent out their property for easy, passive income, but managing the property yourself can quickly feel like a second full-time job if you’re constantly dealing with day-to-day issues.


Legal Responsibilities

Landlords have many legal responsibilities, including tenancy laws, keeping the property safe and dealing with tenant disputes. Not meeting these obligations can lead to legal liabilities and financial penalties. Keeping up to date with UK rental regulations is essential for DIY landlords.


Maintenance and Repairs

You are responsible for all property maintenance and repairs. That means dealing with contractors, ensuring work is done right and dealing with unexpected repair issues. It can be a right old headache if you have no experience in property maintenance.


Tenant Management

Dealing with tenants directly can be difficult, especially when issues arise with rent, property damage or lease breaches. Resolving disputes and enforcing lease terms requires tact, patience and sometimes legal intervention. These interactions can be stressful and time-consuming.



Professional Property Management : 



Time Savings

One of the biggest benefits of using a property management service is time. Property managers do everything for you, from tenant screening to maintenance coordination. So you can get on with work, family or hobbies.


Expertise and Experience

Property management services bring expertise and experience. They know the local rental market, tenancy laws and industry best practices. So they can manage your property effectively and maximise your rental income. They have a network of industry contacts, too.


Tenant Screening

Property managers do thorough tenant screening, including background checks, credit checks and rental history verification. That reduces the risk of renting to problem tenants and increases the chance of timely rent payments and lease adherence.


Maintenance Coordination

Property managers coordinate all property maintenance and repairs through their network of trusted contractors. They can negotiate competitive rates for maintenance services, saving you time and money. So your property stays in good condition, and your tenants are happy.



While property management services offer many benefits, they come at a cost. Management fees range from 8% to 12% of the monthly rent. While that fee covers professional management, it will reduce overall profit. Landlords need to weigh up the cost against the benefits of outsourcing.


Loss of Control

Outsourcing property management means giving up some control over decision-making and property operations. Landlords must trust the property manager to act in their best interests and communicate with them. That can be hard for those who like to be hands-on.


Communication Issues

Good communication between landlords and property managers is key to a good relationship. However, communication is not always seamless and can lead to misunderstandings or delays in dealing with issues. Clear communication channels and regular updates are essential.


Service Quality

Service quality varies. Research and interview potential property management companies to ensure they meet your standards and expectations. Read reviews and get recommendations to find the best.


Conclusion – Get the Balance Right

Choosing between managing yourself and using a property management service is a big decision that depends on your availability, expertise and personal preferences. Both have pros and cons; the right choice will depend on your situation and goals.


If you’re a hands-on landlord who likes to be involved and have the time to manage your properties, then self-management might be the way to go. However, a property management service might be the answer if you want to save time and use professional expertise.


Whatever you choose, staying informed about the UK rental market and knowing your landlord’s responsibilities is key. By weighing up the pros and cons and considering your situation, you can make a decision that suits you and maximises your rental income.


If you need more guidance, talk to experienced property managers or join landlord associations to stay updated with best practices and industry trends. Look into resources and tools for landlords to help you manage your properties.


Our experienced team offers a special discounted rate of 7% for full property management, customising our services to suit your needs. Book a free valuation 





Ultimately, it’s all about finding the balance between enjoying the benefits of property ownership and minimising the stress. Whether you manage yourself or use a service, make the right decision, and you’ll be on your way to success in the UK rental market.





Property Management in 2024 Tips for Smart UK Landlords Landlord Tips

Property Management in 2024 Tips for Smart UK Landlords

Rental management isn’t just about owning bricks and mortar; it’s a living, breathing business that needs you to be on top of the law, market and tenants. For UK landlords, 2024 will bring new challenges and opportunities as the rules and the property landscape change. Staying current with the latest in the private rented sector is key to navigating these changes. This post is a one-stop shop for landlords who want to be ahead of the game, compliant, and informed on all the latest news.


Your Legal Requirements:

Tenancy Agreements

Keeping current with the law is key to a clear and legally binding tenancy agreement. It sets out the rights and responsibilities of both parties and reduces potential future disputes. Make sure your agreements are updated to reflect any new laws.

Deposit Protection

Within 30 days of receiving a tenancy deposit, landlords must put it in a government-approved deposit protection scheme. This protects both parties and is transparent.

Right to Rent

Landlords must check tenants have the right to rent in the UK. Check their documents thoroughly to avoid legal headaches.


Health and Safety:

Gas Safety Certificate:

Get an annual gas safety check done by a gas-safe engineer. This is not just a legal requirement but tenant safety.

Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR):

Do electrical safety checks every 5 years. Provide a safe living environment and reduce the risk of accidents and legal problems.

Energy Performance Certificate (EPC):

Provide an EPC rating of E or above. Improving energy efficiency will also make your property more attractive to tenants.

Property Licensing:

Depending on the location and type of property in England, you may need a landlord’s license. Stay up to date with local legislation to avoid fines.


Tenant Screening

Credit Checks

Assessing tenants’ financial stability helps you choose reliable tenants. Use credit checks to see if they can pay rent on time.


Get references from previous landlords to understand the tenant’s history. This will give you an idea of their behaviour and reliability.

Employment Verification

Verifying current employment and income will ensure tenants can afford the rent. This step reduces the risk of future payment problems.


Do face-to-face or virtual interviews to better understand potential tenants and what’s going on in their lives. This personal interaction will reveal red flags that formal checks might miss.


Pricing Your Property:

Online Listings

Use property websites like Rightmove and Zoopla to research the local market. This will help you price your rent competitively.

Market Comparison

Compare similar properties by size, condition and location. This will ensure your rent price reflects the current market.

Local Agents

Get insight from local letting agents on pricing trends. They will have valuable knowledge and can help you price it right.


Maintaining Your Property:


Regular inspections should be done to catch and fix issues early. This proactive approach will stop small problems from becoming big ones.


Fix repairs quickly to prevent further damage. Regular maintenance will keep your property in good condition and tenants happy.


Update fixtures, fittings and appliances periodically. Modern well-maintained properties attract better tenants and justify higher rents.


Tenant Relationships:


Provide a phone contact for customers to call for payments, queries and emergencies and respond quickly to queries and concerns.

Good communication = trust and satisfaction.


Give tenants notice before entering the property. Respect their privacy will build a positive relationship.


Accommodate reasonable requests to build goodwill. Flexibility in small things will lead to longer tenancies and happier tenants.


Treat all tenants equally to avoid allegations of discrimination. Fairness will keep the landlord-tenant relationship harmonious.


Property Management Software:

Tenant Screening

Automate background checks and reference verifications. This will speed up the screening process and reduce workload.


Make online payments and monitor rent transactions easily.

Maintenance Management

Record and track maintenance requests quickly. A smooth process will get issues fixed fast and make tenants happy.



Rental management in 2024 requires landlords to be proactive, informed and flexible. By knowing the law, doing thorough tenant screening, pricing your rent right, maintaining your property, building strong tenant relationships and using property management software, you’ll have a hassle-free and profitable rental experience.

Get ahead of the game and optimise your property management by browsing our website. Remember, property management is a continuous learning and adapting to new challenges. Use the knowledge and tools at your disposal to succeed in the real estate game.


Book a call with one of our experts for a free property valuation today !